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Majlis Silaturrahim - MKK Batu Lintang, Pantai Merdeka


Majlis Silaturrahim anjuran MKK Batu Lintang yang merupakan salah satu mukim yang berada didalam Dun Pantai Merdeka berjaya diadakan.

Majlis tersebut turut dihadiri YB.Haji Abdullah Bin Jusoh yang merupakan Adun Pantai Merdeka dan turut dihadiri oleh Penghulu Mukim Simpor.

Pihak penganjur program telah mengadakan pelbagai aktiviti untuk setiap peringkat umur didalam Mukim Batu Lintang bagi memeriahkan acara tersebut.

YB. Hj. Abdullah Jusoh menyampaikan ucapan dan merasmikan program.

Persembahan Seni Silat turut memeriahkan suasana

Jangan melakukan aksi diatas sekiranya tidak mempunyai latihan yang cukup.

Penyerahan Bola Sepak Raga sebagai simbolik sebagai acara warisan.

Didalam kesibukan tugas harian YB. Hj. Abdullah Jusoh meluangkan masa menziarah mereka yang dikenal pasti memerlukan bantuan , khidmat nasihat dan sebagainya didalam Mukim Batu Lintang.

Akhirnya penantian bagi pemenang-pemenang acara yang dipertandingkan diserahkan oleh Penghulu Mukim Simpor dan YB. Haji Abdullah Bin Jusoh.

Pakatan Rakyat umpama perjanjian Fudhul menolak kezaliman

Dzulfikar Mashoor

GOMBAK, 4 April: Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor Dr. Dzulkifli Ahmad (gambar) menasihatkan seluruh ahli dan penyokong PAS supaya memperkukuhkan muafakat Pakatan Rakyat demi menolak kezaliman angkara segelintir pemimpin Umno BN.

Menurut beliau, muafakat PAS bersama-sama DAP dan PKR dalam Pakatan Rakyat itu boleh dianggap sebagai manifestasi pada penyertaan Rasulullah s.a.w dalam 'Perjanjian Fudhul' pada era Jahiliah.

"Inilah (Perjanjian Fudhul) suatu perjanjian untuk melindungi rakyat marhaen di Makkah (supaya) kezaliman ditolak bersama-sama oleh semua pihak, tidak mengira ideologi dan sebagainya."

"Sebab itu, kita membawa pendekatan ini (muafakat Pakatan Rakyat) sebagai kaedah politik PAS (yang) secucuk dengan nas ini (Perjanjian Fudhul)," jelas beliau pagi tadi.

Beliau yang juga Pengerusi Lajnah Kebudayaan dan Kesenian PAS Pusat berkata, budaya menolak kezaliman di Makkah itu walaupun berlaku ketika Rasulullah s.a.w berusia 16 tahun, tetapi Rasulullah s.a.w mengiktiraf muafakat politik (tahalluf siyasi) tersebut selepas Baginda diangkat menjadi Rasul.

"Sesungguhnya aku telah menyaksikan termeterainya perjanjian di rumah pakcikku, Abdullah bin Jud'an. Seandainya aku diundang untuk memeterai perjanjian (iaitu) menentang kezaliman dan menegakkan keadilan, pasti akan aku sambut," maksud Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w, seperti diperjelaskan oleh Dr. Dzulkifly.

Ujarnya lagi, penubuhan Pakatan Rakyat telah memecahkan tembok-tembok perkauman antara rakyat yang dicipta oleh parti-parti pemerintah atas titik persamaan yang sama iaitu menolak segelintir kepemimpinan Umno BN yang zalim.

Sehubungan itu, beliau mengajak seluruh ahli PAS dan rakyat marhaen mendukung wawasan PAS yang diperjuangkan oleh Mursyidul Amnya Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat dan Presidennya Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang.

Bercakap dalam Majlis Perasmian Jubli Perak dan Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan PAS Kawasan Batu kali ke-25, beliau turut memuji keterbukaan DAP dalam menolak kezaliman Umno BN melalui wadah Pakatan Rakyat.

"Untuk menumbangkan kezaliman (Umno BN), para pemimpin DAP umumnya bersedia mengiktiraf Artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan (Hak Istimewa kaum Melayu) dan beberapa kepentingan yang lain.

"(Keterbukaan DAP) kerana mereka juga menghayati semangat serta kepentingan untuk bersama-sama (melalui Pakatan Rakyat) untuk tumbangkan Umno BN dalam masa terdekat ini (Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13)," ujarnya.

Lanjutan itu, beliau secara peribadi mengalu-alukan beberapa parti lain iaitu Parti Rakyat Se-Malaysia (PRM) dan Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) supaya menyertai muafakat Pakatan Rakyat.

"Apa juga ideologi, PRM, PSM dan apa jua parti sekali pun, Pakatan Rakyat boleh mengurus perbezaan...asalkan atas paksi yang jelas (iaitu) menolak kezaliman," ujar.

Sempena pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor yang dijangka berlangsung tidak lama lagi, beliau turut menyeru PAS supaya memperkasa jenteranya agar calon Pakatan Rakyat boleh memenangi kerusi Parlimen tersebut.

Turut menyertai Dzulkifli, Cikgu Ishak Surin (YDP PAS Kawasan Batu), Ustaz Iimran (Ketua Penerangan PAS Batu), Vincent Lee (Ketua Pengarah Himpunan Penyokong PAS), Dr. Tan Seng Giaw (Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Kebangsaan), Ariffin Salimon (Pemangku Presiden PRM) dan Koh Swe Yong (Setiausaha PRM). -END

Sumber : Harakahdaily.Net

Hamas: “A.A Forces Arrest 11 Supporters In The West Bank”

Saturday April 03, 2010 12:09 By Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

The Hamas movement reported Saturday that the Palestinian Security Forces of Fateh movement arrested 11 members and supporters of the movement in the West Bank districts of Ramallah, Qalqilia, Tulkarem, Jenin and Hebron.

File - Image by Palestine-Info

In Ramallah, the security forces arrested Mahmoud Borghal, Mohammad Badra, Bilal Abu Shilbaba, and Shadi Barrash. The four were previously imprisoned by Israel and spend years in detention.

Also in Ramallah, the security forces arrested Yousef Enaya, an Education student at a local college. He is from the northern West bank city of Qalqilia and is considered one of the leaders of the Islamic Bloc at the Student’s Movement. He was previously detained by the security forces.

In Qalqilia, in the northern part of the West Bank, the security forces arrested Zahi Allan from Jinsafut town, east of Qalqilia.

In Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank, the security forces attested Moeen Rafiq after breaking into his home and confiscating his laptop. He works at the Ministry of Education in Qalqilia.

The security forces also arrested Bial Taher, from Jilqamous village near Qalqilia, after breaking into his home and searching it.

Taher is the brother of two fighters of the Al Qassam Brigades of Hamas. His brothers are currently detained by Israel.

Local sources reported that the security forces attacked the mother of Taher and confiscated some of his belongings.

In Tulkarem, also in the northern part of the West Bank, the security forces arrested Fadi Ammoury hours after he was released from an Israeli prison. He was released under the condition that he hands himself to the security forces after 48 hours so he can see his family.

The security forces also arrested Fawzi Saqallah after he was called-in for questioning at a local Palestinian security center.

He was repeatedly imprisoned by the security forces and was reportedly severely tortured. He was also imprisoned by Israel for 32 months.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the security forces arrested Ahmad Jibril Ashour, an employee at the Young Muslim Men Association in the city.

The Hamas movement demanded Fateh to release all political prisoners, and said that Fateh and its leadership are not interested in achieving unity, and are ongoing with their political arrests against Hamas members and supporters.

Sources : IMEMC

Media Statement By Lim Kit Siang [ Pakatan Rakyat - DAP ]

Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Friday, 2nd April 2010:

Najib’s first anniversary marked with his 1Malaysia signature theme in complete tatters – will the NEM go the same way as 1Malaysia?

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s first anniversary as sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia is marked with his 1Malaysia signature theme in complete tatters, raising the question whether the other pillar of his premiership, New Economic Model unveiled three days ago will go the same way as his 1Malaysia slogan.

When Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar made an arbitrary last-minute rejection of my amendment to the Motion of Thanks for the Royal Address late last night, provoking a collective protest walk-out of the Chambers by Pakatan Rakyat Members of Parliament from PAS, PKR and DAP, it was not only a black-letter day for parliamentary democracy but also for Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and slogan.

I had moved the amendment motion for the establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme Roadmap to monitor and report on its progress and development at the conclusion of my speech in the debate on the Royal Address two weeks ago on March 18, and it was seconded by the PAS MP for Kuala Krai Dr. Mohd Hatta bin Mohd Ramli and had been accepted by the Chair.

It is against all parliamentary precedents and practices for the amendment motion, which had been properly moved, seconded and accepted two weeks ago, to be suddenly rejected at the last-minute just before voting on the specious ground that it had nothing to do with the Royal Address.

If so, why was the amendment to the motion accepted for two weeks? Why did it take the Chair two weeks to discover that it had nothing to do with the Royal Address?

Such a ruling is also against all accepted parliamentary precedents and practices for the debate on the Royal Address is a general policy debate of the government-of-the-day and it defies all imagination that it could be claimed that the proposed establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) Roadmap had nothing to do with government policies and programmes.

Is anyone suggesting that the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) is an illicit and illegitimate government programme – making Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and illicit and illegitimate Minister?

Equally unfortunate and tragic, what happened in Parliament yesterday provoking the protest walkout of PR MPs is also a black-letter day for Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and slogan – tearing them to tatters after exposing the chasm between words and deeds on the Prime Minister’s signature slogan.

Why is the Barisan Nasional Government tooth-and-nail against the formation of a 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap, when it should welcome parliamentary recognition and support for the programme?

The answer is simple and straightforward – the 1Malaysia concept and slogan is a fake which cannot stand scrutiny.

March 31 will go down in history as the day that Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and slogan were torn into tatters, not by the Opposition but by the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when he declared that he is “a Malay first and then only a Malaysian” – completely rejecting the “goal of 1Malaysia” as documented in the 262-page 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme Roadmap of “a nation where every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first, and by race, religion, geographical region or socio-economic background second”. (page 11 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap)

As a result of Muhyiddin’s “I am a Malay first and then only a Malaysian” statement, which has created a firestorm of outrage and protest as evident from the avalanche of adverse comments particularly on twitter, Facebook and Internet media like Malaysiakini and MalaysianInsider, the entire Cabinet had been forced to line up to back up Muhyiddin.

This was why Parliament last night saw the pathetic spectacle of the Minister responsible for 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, twisting and turning when he was repeatedly challenged to declare whether he is “Malaysian first and Chinese second” or “Chinese first and Malaysian second”?

I have no doubt that before Muhyiddin’s declaration on March 31 that he is “Malay first and Malaysian second”, Koh would have no hesitation in saying that he is “Malaysian first and Chinese second” when asked.

However, after Muhyiddin’s declaration, Koh did not even dare to declare that he is “Malaysian first and Chinese second” when repeatedly asked in Parliament last night, for fear of stepping on Muhyiddin’s toes.

In fact, Koh was specifically warned not to give an answer which is different from that given by Muhyiddin and endorsed earlier in Parliament by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, causing Koh to twist and turn to avoid answering when challenged to declare his stand.

So is Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and slogan a step forward or a step backward for Malaysian nation building?

Clearly it is not progress but regress when Koh now dare not declare in Parliament that he is “Malaysian first and Chinese second”, a position he would have no hesitation in making before Muhyiddin’s “Malay first, Malaysian second” declaration on March 31!

As a result of having to back Muhyiddin’s statement, Nazri had to resort to perverse logic and dubious reasoning, even suggesting that 1Malaysia is somehow against the Malaysian Constitution – a position which I reject outright.

This is why Nazri’s challenge to me to table a motion to amend the Malaysian Constitution to delete the word “Malay” in the constitution is completely inappropriate , off-tangent and irrelevant to the issue as to whether Cabinet Ministers are prepared to set an example of 1Malaysia by declaring that they are Malaysians first and their ethnic identities second.

There is no need to amend the Malaysian Constitution to attain the 1Malaysia objective,which is why one of the four 1Malaysia acid tests I had formulated is whether Barisan Nasional Ministers agree that the Malaysian Constitution is based on the principle of “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia” and not “ketuanan Melayu”.

*Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader & MP for Ipoh Timor

Sources : DAP

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