http://peguampas.blogspot.com/ |
Antara isu yang sering dimainkan media ke atas gerakan Islam seperti PAS adalah dakwaan kononnya Pas anti hiburan. Mesej yang |
http://peguampas.blogspot.com/ |
Antara isu yang sering dimainkan media ke atas gerakan Islam seperti PAS adalah dakwaan kononnya Pas anti hiburan. Mesej yang |
greensaff.blogspot.com |
Antara BN dan PR, kedua-duanya mahukan kemenangan. PR mahu menang untuk menyatakan bahawa BN totally ditolak rakyat. Kemenangan ini juga memberi isyarat bahawa pemerintahan PR di Selangor berjaya. Tambahan pula, PR adalah penyandang kerusi ini. PR tidak mahu kehilangan kerusi mereka di parlimen lagi setelah kehilangan 4 kerusi secara 'percuma' dek tindakan keluar parti oleh beberapa MP PKR. Sumber : Harakahdaily.Net |
greensaff.blogspot.com |
Berdasarkan analisis yang dibuat sebelum ini,menunjukkan BN mempunyai peluang cerah untuk merampas P94. Hal ini kerana jumlah majoriti undi yang terkumpul di ketiga-tiga DUN tersebut adalah 6,179 undi. Tetapi di peringkat Parlimen PKR menang dengan majoriti 198 undi. Undi BN 'lari' begitu banyak di petiundi parlimen. Sumber : Harakahdaily.Net |
greensaff.blogspot.com |
Pertama sekali,jangan terkejut dengan hipotesis ini. Apa yang ditulis adalah pandangan peribadi greensaff semata-mata berdasarkan analisis dari pilihanraya sebelum ini dan keadaan semasa politik negara.
Sumber : Harakahdaily.Net |
Media Comment by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Saturday, 27th March 2010:
Mahathir has come full circle from an ultra back again to an ultra repudiating Bangsa Malaysia and Vision 2020 which he enunciated in 1991
Two events held almost simultaneously today highlighted the two facets in the battle for the hearts and minds of Malaysians the launching of neo-NEP Perkasa by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at PWTC and the launching of Datuk Zaid Ibrahim's book "I, too, am a Malay" (Chinese edition) by Dr. Chen Man Hin in Subang Jaya.
Almost at the same time that the former Prime Minister was awarded the Bintang Perkasa Pribumi Negara after launching Perkasa, Dr. Chen formally launched Zaid book.
What a sharp contrast in the imageries evoked in the two events the launching of Zaid's book invoking an inclusive and all-embracing hopes of all Malaysians for a progressive, prosperous common future regardless of race, religion or region with the launching of Perkasa anchored in a hankering for the past, oblivious of 52-years of nation- building, even dismissive of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 1Malaysia concept, all to allow Umno-putras to perpetuate the abuses of NEP by exploiting the name of bumiputras.
As the press have contacted me for my reactions to the Perkasa launch and its inflammatory speeches, this is my preliminary response until I have full access to the speeches concerned.
From the incendiary speech of the Perkasa President, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, it is clear that Perkasa is built on stilts of lies.
It is a lie that DAP and the Malaysian Malaysia slogan were among the main factors that caused the May 13 riots.
Has Ibrahim Ali taken 41 years after the 1969 tragedy to make this "discovery".
If DAP and Malaysian Malaysia were the causes of May 13 in 1969, DAP would have been banned long ago and DAP leaders would have languished in jail and unable to participate in Malaysian electoral politics in the past nine general elections.
Or is Ibrahim suggesting that the Special Branch and the past five Prime Ministers had been remiss in their national duties in failing to take action against DAP, which he alleged as a threat to national security and perpetrator of May 13 riots?
It is a lie that the DAP is against the Malays, Islam and wants to do away with the Malay Rulers.
In the seventies, Ibrahim frantically sought my help as Parliamentary Opposition Leader when he was trying to escape detention under the Internal Security Act for his activities as a student leader.
Why sought my help if DAP leaders were so anti-national and disloyal as he now wants to depict?
Ibrahim Ali is not important. What concerns me more is the patronage given to the neo-NEP Perkasa by Mahathir.
Mahathir has come full circle, from an ultra back again to an ultra repudiating Bangsa Malaysia and Vision 2020 which he enunciated in 1991.
This is the greatest tragedy.
*Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader & MP for Ipoh Timor
Hashim Abdullah |
KUALA KRAU, 28 Mac: Pengerusi Persatuan Anak-Anak Peneroka Kebangsaan (Anak), Mazlan Aliman (gambar) berkata, pihaknya akan mengadakan kempen 'Jom Kembali Ke ladang', bagi merangsang anak muda mengusahakan sendiri kebun mereka bagi meningkatkan pendapatan. Berucap pada program penerangan khas sempena Mesyuarat Cabang PKR Kuala Krau, di Felda Jenderak Utara, petang semalam, Mazlan berkata peningkatan pendapatan lebih besar menunggu masyarakat peneroka apabila kebun diusahakan sendiri tanpa bergantung kepada kapitalis yang dicipta pemerintah Umno. "Sudah ada peneroka yang berani mengusahakan ladang mereka sendiri, terbukti mereka berjaya memperolehi pendapatan jauh lebih besar dari apa yang diusahakan dengan Felda. Sebab itu kita akan adakan kempen Jom Kembali Ke Ladang, kita nak rangsang anak muda ke kebun bagi mengusahakan sendiri. "Kita tak mahu melihat masyarakat peneroka dibebani hutang, kita kena berani, kita nak halau kapitalis yang dicipta pemerintah Umno yang namanya Teknoplant," katanya. Mengulas tekanan yang dialaminya dan kesukaran menjelaskan isu yang berlaku melalui ceramah dan sebagainya, Mazlan hairan mengapa pemimpin Umno dan Felda terlalu takut dengan penjelasan yang ingin disampaikannya kepada masyarakat Felda. "Saya hairan mengapa pemimpin Umno dan Felda terlalu takut kalau mereka tak buat salah. Kalau saya tak betul mereka boleh saman saya, memang saya dah kena saman pun, jadi apa mereka nak takut kalau mereka tak salah," katanya yang juga Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat. Turut menyampaikan penerangan Wan Rohimi Wan Daud dan Ketua Cabang PKR Kuala Krau, Suhaimi Said. |
Harakahdaily |
MUAR, 29 Mac: Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Cabang Muar menafikan dan mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya berita penghijrahan 50 anggota AMK Muar sedangkan hanya tiga orang yang bermasalah sahaja bertindak melompat. Ini ekoran media-media dan blog-blog semalam dengan bangga memaparkan berita pengisytiharan Naib Ketua AMK Muar dan 50 orang anggota AMK Muar telah pun keluar parti dan menyertai Umno/Barisan Nasional dalam satu majlis Jamuan Nasi Ambang Raksasa yang dihadiri Timbalan Perdana Menteri di Parit Tengah, Air Hitam, Bakri, Muar pada Sabtu, 27 Mac. Pemangku Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan Muar, Ahmad Anwar Asyraf Ismail memberitahu, perkara itu merupakan satu bentuk fitnah jahat yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan kredibiliti dan kekuatan AMK Muar yang semakin hari semakin mantap dan dipercayai oleh rakyat Muar untuk memimpin harapan mereka. "Angkatan Muda Keadilan Cabang Muar menegaskan bahawa ini adalah satu lagi usaha terdesak danbacul Umno/Barisan Nasional Muar. Tiada perkara seperti ini berlaku di dalam organisasi kami," ujarnya kepada Harakahdaily. Jelasnya, hanya tiga orang anggota AMK Muar yang bermasalah melompat bukan 50 orang seperti yang digembar-gemburkan oleh media iaitu Razali Jaafar atau lebih dikenali oleh pengusaha kedai menjual kereta sebagai 'Zali Allright' atau 'Zali Confirm', Bekas Naib Ketua 1 AMK Muar dan 2 lagi anggota. Daripada sumber-sumber yang dekat dengan Razali Jaafar mengesahkan bahawa 50 orang lagi itu adalah merupakan ahli baru Umno dan bukannya anggota Angkatan Muda Keadilan Cabang Muar. Juga, Razali ini memang telahpun giat mengedar borang keahlian Umno kepada penduduk sekitar yang bukan ahli Parti Keadilan Rakyat Cabang Muar mahupun AMK Muar. Ini adalah merupakan satu bentuk pembohongan dan publisiti murahan Umno/Barisan Nasional Muar. AMK Muar dengan tegas mencabar Saudara Razali Jaafar untuk memberikan bukti atau nombor keahlian 50 orang ini. Jangan hanya bercakap tanpa diiringi bukti sahih. Kalau benar perjuangkan rakyat, Angkatan Muda Keadilan Cabang Muar mencabar Razali Jaafar atau Razali Ibrahim, Ahli Parlimen Muar untuk turun berdebat di mana-mana pada bila-bila masa. Kami Angkatan Muda Keadilan tidak pernah gentar dan takut menentang kezaliman dan kerakusan penguasa. |
A Samad Said |
DUA minggu lalu saya kembara ke Kedah. Saya ke Memali sebenarnya. Saya menyukat degup jantung negara. Rancangan awalnya saya hanya ingin ke sebuah madrasah di Padang Lumat berceramah syahdu sambil menderma buku. Tapi, terlanjur dekat, saya terindu ke Memali. |
Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Friday, 26th March 2010:
Is Musa currying favour with the Prime Minister hoping to override Hishammuddin and get another year's extension as IGP?
The Inspector-General Tan Sri Musa Hassan has acted with unusual alacrity when he announced in less than 24 hours that the police will investigate claims made by the independent Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin in Parliament on Wednesday that he was asked to implicate the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibu.
This is in complete contrast with the foot-dragging and procrastination that top police leadership would indulge in when police reports are lodged against prominent government leaders from Umno and Barisan Nasional.
What is especially extraordinary with Musa's high-speed response is that no police report had yet been lodged over Zulkifli's allegation – a pre-condition always insisted on by the police before there could be any police investigation.
As MPs enjoy parliamentary privilege, they have immunity for what they say in Parliament, which bars not only prosecution but also being subject to police investigations for their parliamentary speeches – unless this is waived by the MP concerned or the MP repeated his allegation outside the precincts of Parliament as lodging a police report.
In the circumstances, shouldn't police investigation be contingent on Zulkifli lodging a police report? It is also useless for Musa to order a police report be lodged on Zulkifli's speech, as the speech is protected by parliamentary privilege and immunity!
In any event, will Musa announce initiation of police investigations if an allegation is made in Parliament that the Prime Minister has murdered someone or some Minister has committed various crimes under the laws of the country? If not, again why the double standards?
Musa's alacrity in springing to action when there is no basis whatsoever for police action raises the question whether he is really trying to curry favour with the Prime Minister hoping to override the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammdudin Hussein and get another year's extension as Inspector-General of Police when his one-year contract expires in September.
On 15th March, Hishammuddin had told the press in Parliament that Musa would be replaced as IGP.
He said:
"It is not only specific to the IGP but four out of the seven division directors of PDRM. I already know who is going to replace the IGP. I already know who will replace the commercial crime investigation department director.
"I already know those who will take over, so there is no use speculating or reporting without basis." (Sun March 16, 2010)
But Musa does not know, as for almost a week later, Musa was still hoping to get another extension as IGP when his one-year renewed contract expires in September, as obvious from Musa's interview in the Mingguan Malaysia dated 21st March 2010, viz:
"Q – Mungkin terdapat kemungkinan Tan Sri menyambung perkhidmatan selepas September depan?
"Musa – Itu saya tidak tahu. Saya tidak boleh bercakap apa-apa. Kena tanya kerajaan atau Perdana Menteri kerana beliau saja yang tahu."
From this answer, it is clear that Musa has not taken Hishammuddin's announcement as the last word, despite the Home Minister's statement that "I know who is going to replace the IGP. I know who will replace the commercial crime division director."
Hence the speculation whether Musa was trying to curry favour with the Prime Minister hoping to override Hishammuddin and get another year's extension as IGP come September.
But is it possible for a decision to be taken about the appointment of a new IGP come September without the present IGP knowing?
Under the Constitution and the law of the land, this is not possible.
Article 140 (4) of the Constitution on "Police Force Commission" sets out the manner for the appointment of the Inspector-General of Police and all top police posts.
Article 140 (4) and (5) read:
(4) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may designate as special posts the posts of Inspector General of Police, Deputy Inspector General of Police and any other posts in the police force which in his opinion are of similar or superior status; and the appointment to any post so designated shall not be made in accordance with Clause (1) but shall be made by the Yang di- Pertuan Agong on the recommendation of the Police Force Commission.
(5) Before acting in accordance with Clause (4) on the recommendation of the Police Force Commission, the Yang di- Pertuan Agong shall consider the advice of the Prime Minister, and may once refer the recommendation back to the Commission in order that it may be reconsidered.
Article 140(3) provides that the Police Force Commission shall comprise:
(a) the Minister for the time being charged with responsibility for the police, who shall be Chairman;
(b) the officer of police in general command of the police force;
(c) the person performing the duties of the office of Secretary General to the Ministry under the Minister for the time being charged with responsibility for the police;
(d) a member of the Public Services Commission appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong;
(e) not less than two nor more than six other members, appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
As the IGP is statutorily a member of the Police Force Commission which must initially make the recommendation for the appointment of a new IGP, how could Musa be unaware of who will replace him in September if the Police Force Commission chaired by the Home Minister had already met to decide on the matter, as implied by Hishammuddin.
Or was Hishammuddin merely stating that he has his candidate for the post of new IGP although the Police Force Commission had not yet met on the matter – but this will be most improper as under the Constitution, it is not the Home Minister who finally decides on the appointment of the IGP but the Yang di Pertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister, with the option of one reference back to the Police Force Commission for reconsideration of its initial recommendation.
If a new IGP has been decided and the present IGP has no inkling of it, it is not only an unlawful and unconstitutional decision, it will the strongest proof that the speculation of a serious rift between the Home Minister and the IGP is not smoke without fire.
Is this why Musa is keeping his hopes open for another renewal as IGP – which would be in the hands of the Prime Minister, who has to make the recommendation of the appointment to the Yang di Pertuan Agong?
Hishammuddin should clarify the issue and state clearly whether the Police Force Commission has decided on who should be the new IGP, why the present IGP knows nothing about it and most important of all, who will be the next IGP.
*Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader & MP for Ipoh Timor
Ini berkaitan sebuah berita fitnah yang diterbitkan oleh Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 6hb Mac 2010 di bawah tajuk "RM500,000 Syed Husin dicabar lapor polis". Dalam berita tersebut dituduh konon saya menerima RM500,000 daripada Anwar Ibrahim sebagai bayaran untuk membubar Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) bagi memudahkan percantuman dengan Parti Keadilan Nasional dan membentuk Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Saya mengarahkan peguam saya untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang yang perlu terhadap mereka tersebut sekiranya tiada jawapan daripada mereka dalam tempoh tujuh hari dari tarikh surat tuntutan itu.
Timbalan Presiden, KEADILAN
Sumber : Parti Keadilan Rakyat